::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

way back when?

As said before...i don't remember exactly when & where. but wani mention it sumwhere. (couchsurfing testimonial kot) that , me & her...we're not just euro partners. we have traveled together before. we've traveled our 4 looong years in Bandung together. We traveled our life together (tiada double meaning disini ye).
So, i'm confident to do this 28days Eurotrip with her.

Looking back at the past.....here's some memorable photos i picked up from Surabaya-Malang-Solo trip in 2008 and Bali trip 2009. I'm still looking for photos from Jogjakarta trip 2007. Have to godek2 photo albums in those stack of burned CDs yang dah berhabuk pulak tu. Hopefully wani still have her copies.

Mt.Bromo, East Java with Yehan & LingFang

We actually went separately but met up by coincidence at the top of Mt.Bromo where the temperature was around 4-6 degree celcius. Oh yeah, Yehan & LingFang was our classmate from ITB. Some secret to revealed...the reason LingFang & Yehan looks fresher than us is because they had showered that morning since they stayed in a hotel in that area, while we were on the car for 6hours and 12hours in the train before that. Had our shower at the train station though. But its Indonesia, plus, its too cold to noticed by the way. Haha..
This was also at Bromo, but its at lower ground. Its called Lautan Pasir (The Sea of Sands). We ride on the cute horses too.


At a hotel in Surabaya town. Forgot  the name of the hotel, but it was kinda the most cheap & decent hotel in Surabaya. About 100ribu rupiah (RM35) for 3 person.

Inside kapal selam! Its the Monumen Kapal Selam in Central Surabaya.

Moving on,
 At the apple plantation in Malang. Apel tu biasa-biasa aja dong. All the good ones has been exported i guess. We only get to plucked 3 apples only. Forgot the entrance fee but i think its around 45ribu rupiah (RM16). We could get like 15 apples at pasar malam. Anyway, its the experience that matters.

The next day, we're already in Solo, stayed in a homestay that provide us a day trip cycling tour around Solo.  We cycle around 50km that day. Yeah, we had sores on our bum later that day.
Seriously, it was candid! Stylo kan?!?!

 Around pasar pagi at Solo with our tour guide. Sorry..forgot his name!
Crossing the Bengawan Solo (Solo River). There's a song about this river. Tapi tak best sangat la lagu dia. Traditional Indonesian song. Hmmm...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZXU8Fo6f44

Antique market in Solo.

BALI TRIP. 2009. 
As for Bali trip, we didn't have that much of planning together as we go separately. Wani involved in IPSF conference and had stayed there for 1 month. I had my planning with my other travel partner, SHIKA. 
We flew from KL-BALI-BANDUNG. It was an awesome trip! Had a lot of new experience.
This is Shika. 
driving the Jimmy Jeep around Bali~gagagaga

Hard Rock Hotel @ Kuta beach 

With kecak dancer at Uluwatu.

Wonder around some malls in Bali, can't remember which one.Yeah...we do this a lot! 

Pangandaran beach,West Java.

 Memoirs from Java Island trips was unforgettable,irreplaceable and most importantly made us who we are today as travelers & as a person! Insya-Allah, more memorable events will be captured very-very soon.

Friday, March 23, 2012

hang-gliding, swiss


Another extreme activities we wish to try....(",)

Dear Switzerland, we wanna do this!

Amazing activities in Interlaken. Definitely in our wishlist right now~ hopefully, we can do it.
Canyoning? Hand-gliding?


Sunday, March 18, 2012

56 days??? ok...really have to get ready now!

we've been really busy these past few months.
Wani with her exam, friend's weddings, never ending on-calls...

while i'm busy with my posting, unsettled issues in HKL, bla-bla-bla...and most importantly, Frisbee-ing!
& we went for marathons too..

& we also went for paramotor...

it was paramoto-SOME~~~~ indescribable feeling. (fullstop)

So, we are kinda behind with the itineraries....
Anyway! got our confirmation with AIRASIA...(at last!)
our flight will be

KUL-PARIS (charles de gaulle) : 12th May (23:35-06:40) MH20
PARIS(charles de gaulle) -KUL : 7th Jun (12:00-06:35) MH21

Yippieeee~~~ bye bye AirAsia...helloo, MALAYSIA AIRLINES....(woot woot)

so, currently, we have come to a decision where we gonna take the EURAIL Global Pass
15 days pass should be enough. USD 504 = Euro 358 = RM 1442

  • trains schedule is ready. hopefully all goes smoothly as plan.
  • backup plan for accommodation in each destinations also listed. (if no couch available/changes in train schedule)
  • couchsurfers in each destination must be re-contact. since its been a while since last update.
  • free tour/museum visits/attractions to visit in each destination must be confirm/list.
  • choose flight / eurostar for (amsterdam-london-paris) a.s.a.p

that is it for now. will make more entries soon....
wish us luck