::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Backpack vs Wheel Suitcase

One of the most important thing for travelers of course their traveling bag. Some says what type of bag you bring may define you as person. You know, if you can adapt to new different things easily or you too just attached to your comfort zone and you wanna bring everything on the road.

So for few months, we tried to decide what type of bag we going bring along with us, for 28 days! And it all come down to backpack or wheel suitcase. We`ve listed pros and cons for both of them based on practicality, safety issues and of course style ^^  and finally we decided to bring them both!...hahahah...yeah why not just bring them both kan? So each of us going to bring one backpack and wheel suitcase for this trip and this is our final d.e.c.i.s.i.o.n.  and we are both happy about it. *wink*.

And now, how to pack light???

Here are some videos we can relate most:

  • For a back pack

  • For a wheel suitcase

So maybe some people might think this is a crazy idea to travel with both bags, but we have our secret tricks  ;p.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Glampacking : The Fashionable Girls' Guide to Backpacking to Europe !

When people say BACKPACKING! What is the very first thing that comes to your mind ?
 Adakah ini????? -->

Atau ini...??? --> 

Tapi, dah kata nk travel Europe, mestilah nk stylo sikit kan?!

At least, macam ni la..style sikit, xdelah mcm tak mandi 10 hari je kan...though we might not able to take a shower for 10 days! hah!

So..ini ialah NOTE TO SELF--> on how to pack my backpack for Euro trip!

(adapted from : http://www.bakpakguide.com/europe/traveltips/bakpakgirl/glampacking-the-fashionable-girls-guide-to-backpac.shtml)

If you consider yourself to be a fashionable person, packing clothes for a vacation or even a round-the-world backpacking trip can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be.
When packing for a trip it’s important to remember that when it comes to packing clothes, the general rule of thumb is to pack quality over quantity.

If you are backpacking then your best bet would be to pick clothes that are comfortable and loose, particularly around the shoulder area. For guys this can be easy as many loose fitting t-shirts, jeans, and shorts are ideal for backpacking, but girls need to take extra care and consideration into the types of clothes they choose for a backpacking trip. (Some experienced travellers swear against packing jeans for a backpacking trip because they are heavy to carry around especially when wet, but this depends on your own personal style).
Of course what you pack truly depends on your destination, however your best bet is to pack clothes that you can layer on top of each other, and it’s always a good idea to pack a coat with a hood or even a hoodie to prepare for rainy weather.

It’s also important to put careful consideration into each and every article of clothing you pack. Will that shirt get wrinkled it’s bunched up in your backpack or suitcase for days at a time? Will it show a stain if you spill something on it? These are important questions you must ask yourself while packing for a trip.

And last, but certainly not least, another key in packing properly for a trip, whether it be for a few weeks or a few months, is that you pack more underwear and socks than necessary. This may mean having to cut down on the number of shirts or pants you pack, but believe me when I say that it is well worth it in the end. Doing laundry while travelling can be a pain and also expensive, so make sure you have enough socks and underwear to last you at least two weeks so you don’t have to do laundry every seven days.

That's all for now...nanti kita cari tips2 lagi ok?!
Here's yuna video : Terukir di bintang~ 
p/s: Nak bwt video mcm ni boleh?? Fashion pun style jugak~ +the Boyfie jugak...(",)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

We Love Our Parents To Bits!

This is a response entry from Panic Attack entry...hahahah..I did mention to Moon that at some point during the panic attack, I started to think that our parents are crazy coz they allow us to travel Europe on our own....seriously?? xde point pn in this europe trip planning process parents ktorg hesitate utk bg ktorg pegi..no such thing as "u really sure u want this?" "have u given a thought about what u have to go through?" XDE lansung ok...kalo ade, xde la ktorg dgn slumber nye buat sume ni kn....like my mom, siap ade list brg yg nk dibeli...as for my dad, kalo boleh die nk suh bawak the whole Khairul clan g skali, meaning bwk all my siblings g Europe trip..abah?!apekah?! gle serabut nk bwk bdk2 moody tu skali..memang xnak la kn

So my point is, our parents really trust us in this..looking back our life, they always support us in any decision we made..they trust our choice...provided we know the  boundary and it didnt against religion or the value they taught us...

And as for us, in order to keep their precious trust, we always tell them about us...so maksudnye our parents selalu tau our where-about,when-about...kalo nk keluar tu jgn lupe bgtau nk pergi mane,dgn siape and estimated time to be home...senang kan? Yes, maybe tak semua parents boleh let go anak2 diorg like our parents do..that`s why it is really important for us to keep their trust. Lagipun kalau nk rahsiakan ape2, kalau ape2 jadi time kt luar tu kn naya x psl..kalo mati ke, mati dlm dosa menipu mak bapak...nauzubillah..

To Our Parents, we love u to bits!!!! Thank you so much for being u....

ps: i`m not writing this to show off that we have flawless relationship with our parents, coz we dont! Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, inikan pula ngn parents kn ;)

With our parents during graduation....our dad have something in common, at their age, diorg rase diorg hensem..hahaha..ape2 la bapa2 sekalian ;p

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Important tips: How to?? CDG airport --> Gare du Nord

CDG Airport Terminal 1 to Paris

Here are photo instructions on taking a train from Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport Terminal 1 to central Paris. Click on photos to see larger versions.

CDG Terminal 1 to Paris

If you’re arriving at CDG Terminal 1, you’ll first need to take the CDGVAL shuttle train to Terminal 3/Roissypole (center of map) to catch the RER B train to Paris.
Follow CDGVAL signs posted throughout Terminal 1 that will look like the following:
The CDGVAL shuttle train travels from Terminal 1 to Terminal 3/Roissypole then to Terminal 2 as shown on this line map:
While on the CDGVAL shuttle, keep in mind that:
  1. Terminal 3/Roissypole is the second stop which is before Terminal 2.
  2. The shuttle will stop at parking garage Pr before arriving at Terminal 3/Roissypole.

Upon arrival at Terminal 3/Roissypole, you will enter a large concrete atrium show here:

When exiting the CDGVAL stop at Terminal 3/Roissypole, turn to your right and walk towards a series of blue ticket vending machines and several ticket windows behind an overhead sign for RER B “Paris par train / Paris by train”:
From here you can purchase single train tickets for Paris from the blue vending machines (Billetterie Ile-de-France) for €8,40 one way. These tickets are known as “Billets Ile-de-France“.
Keep in mind that these vending machines do not sell pass cards Pass Navigo Decouverte / Paris Visite and only take coins or smart-chip enabled credit cards. If your credit card is from North America, most likely it will not have a smart-chip and will not work with these machines.
To purchase a Pass Navigo Decouverte or Paris Visit Card (public transportation passes) you must visit the ticket window immediately in front of these machines (off to the right side of the photo, not visible). If you already have a Pass Navigo / Pass Navigo Decouverte, you can recharge your card with Navigo Semaine from the blue Billetterie machines by inserting your pass into the purple Navigo slot and following the prompts.  Beware of the purchase restriction schedule on the Pass Navigo.
After purchasing your tickets or passes, you can verify when the next RER B train is scheduled to depart CDG by checking the overhead display screens. The display screen on the right shows RER B trains “To Paris” (”Vers Paris”).
RER B trains on this screen stop at all the Paris stations regardless of the name under the Destination column. The Destination names are the terminus stations for the several RER B train line branches and are used to specify the direction each train is traveling. A complete list of departure times from Terminal 1 RER B station towards Paris is available at the bottom of this article.
Insert (and then retrieve) your ticket or scan your pass at the turnstiles and descend onto the RER B train platform. Signs will note that “Tous les trains vont à Paris” (”All trains go to Paris”).
Once the train arrives, the train doors may not open automatically. Press the small metallic or rubberized button on the door to open the train doors.
Remember to keep your ticket or passes handy as “controllers” (”ticket checkers”) frequent these trains.
Travel time to the first major Paris station: Gare du Nord, is roughly 25 minutes. Stations served after that will be Chatelet Les Halles, St. Michel-Notre Dame, Luxembourg, Port Royal, Denfert Rochereau and Cité Universitaire.
If you need to transfer to a Paris Metro train or a different RER train to arrive at your final destination, you may use your ticket for making the transfer; You do not have to purchase another ticket for the Paris Metro or RER within Paris Zone 1. If you need to transfer to a bus or tram, you will need to purchase a new Ticket t+ as transfers from Metro/RER to buses/trams are not allowed.