::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Backpack vs Wheel Suitcase

One of the most important thing for travelers of course their traveling bag. Some says what type of bag you bring may define you as person. You know, if you can adapt to new different things easily or you too just attached to your comfort zone and you wanna bring everything on the road.

So for few months, we tried to decide what type of bag we going bring along with us, for 28 days! And it all come down to backpack or wheel suitcase. We`ve listed pros and cons for both of them based on practicality, safety issues and of course style ^^  and finally we decided to bring them both!...hahahah...yeah why not just bring them both kan? So each of us going to bring one backpack and wheel suitcase for this trip and this is our final d.e.c.i.s.i.o.n.  and we are both happy about it. *wink*.

And now, how to pack light???

Here are some videos we can relate most:

  • For a back pack

  • For a wheel suitcase

So maybe some people might think this is a crazy idea to travel with both bags, but we have our secret tricks  ;p.

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