::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

for MALAY female travellers

 malay female always need water & tissue when we go to the loo right? so, when I go travel to other country, empty water bottle is must to be carry along in the bag.
But if i wanted to carry a small handbag,this could be a problem...so i found a solution for it..

botol air plastik ni skng byk dah jual,senang nak bawak,jimat space & xde weight pun...

isikan air dlm botol

bersedia utk digunakan

bila dah abis guna, bley gulung2 & simpan...sgt practical
convenient kan??

mostly, europe toilets provide tissue & plastic to wrapped tissue waste before throwing.

Eventho travel for a month & x everyday dapat mandi, kebersihan hygienic mesti tetap dijaga ok...
 Happy travelling

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