::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Message body

Dear Guest,

Please be informed that effective from 31st March 2012, AirAsia X will be suspending our flights to/from Paris.
We will be sending individual notifications to all guests affected by this move, in stages, based on your respective flight dates, via email and SMS.
The email notices will also outline the various service recovery options offered which are:

i.              cancel your reservation and opt for Full Refund/Credit Shell; or
ii.             re-route to any other AirAsia X destination, without any additional cost; or
iii.            transfer to an alternative airline subject to availability, without any additional cost.

In order to avoid undue congestion and delays in replying to your queries, we request that you contact us in relation to any queries you may have, only after you have received your individual notice.
For further explanation on the reasons for our flight suspensions, please refer to our Press Release athttp://www.airasia.com/my/en/corporate/pressrelease.page

AirAsia X

Dear AirAsia,
Myself, Munirah Athirah and my friend, Khairul Syazwani will kindly accept and ONLY ACCEPT option number 3.

We will strongly reject option number 1.
And option number 2 will be put into consideration if no other choice can be made (which is never gonna happen right! *wink wink*)


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