::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Saturday, May 12, 2012

how i pack my stuff ~ moon's

 How i pack my stuffs for 50+10L deuter backpack.

 this is all to fit in 60L backpack
 toiletries bag with shower hanger
 sumbat dalam middle zip, go to on the bottom part,easy access
 towels & wet wipes in the front zip.

sleeping bag: middle part.not using it yet. tshirts,pants,pyjamas,socks,undies...sumbat2....
Must take along: telekung,small sejadah & kiblat compass

Tips: pack each item separately in a zipper bag. senang nk capai dlm backpack. Plus,can vacuum to save up space.

 Souvenir for Couchsurfers...we brought alot, but most of it is with Wani. Keychains,Fridge magnets,Flag patch,Sambal tumis,Tudungs,Pashmina. etc etc.

 Tadaaa....da abis sumbat...ready to go!

p/s:     Actually, ade trick ni....i have another wheelbag. haha....tapi tak boleh tunjuk gambar...ngeeeee(",)

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