::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to deal with jet lag?


Yes, its a question and I dont know the answer (its 4am in Malaysia and I just couldnt sleep!). Jadi, sy pn baca la sket2 here and there ;)

Why Jet Lag?
as we travel, we across time zones..so our body havent adjust to the new time zone and it causes jet lag.

fatigue, insomnia, diarrhea, constipation and for some people, it may cause minor depression

How to overcome jet lag?

  • try our best to adapt to new time zone
  • stay in shape
  • avoid caffeine
  • drink a lot of water
  • tgk la gambar2 dari tmpt yg kte travel tu ;p
Travel from west to east lg akan terase lebih byk symptoms sbb kte hilang beberapa jam, in which our body kene push beberapa jam ahead, cam time makan, tidur and so on. So ble time makan dh bertukar, tu yg sebabkan diarrhea/constipation.

Travel from east to west kurang terasa symptoms jet lag sbb kita 'dapat' beberapa jam, so kte just kene deal dgn daily routine. (Thats explain kenapa ktorg x terasa jet lag sgt time br sampai Paris dulu ;p)

This is simple plan with jet lag....hahaha, even lyrics die xde kaitan la sgt kn....cume part (i say good morning, u say good night~) cam situation ktorg in Malaysia n Europe la cewahhh, gitu! ;p

ps: we miss Europe already..cmne? kene g lg la cmni ;)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Crazy Paris experience!

So we arrived in Paris on 13th May 2012 @ 6.40am

Our Plan
  • from CDG airport, go to Paris Gare Nord train station
  • activate Eurail Pass
  • leave our luggage at the station
  • meet Noelle (CS friend) at Chatellet station
  • go to Eiffel tower
  • hang out at Eiffel area
  • catch the evening train to Geneva
Seine River behind us and Eiffel Tower :)
What Really Happened!
  • from CDG airport, went to Paris Gare Nord train station with other two girls (sarah and aznita: met them in the plane ^^)
  • Paris Gare Nord sgt besar, so ktorg sesat here and there time nk cari counter to activate our Eurail Pass.
  • Managed to find the counter, but found out that train to Geneva for that evening was fully booked!
  • We are stranded in Paris with no place to stay for the night!! how?! at this point, berdoa je la yg mampu..few thing in our mind; cari hotel for the night tp last min booking, sure mahal gle la kn!
  • We booked train to Geneva at 9am the next day with few other night trains.
  • Since ktorg lame sgt kt Nord station, Noelle decided to come to Nord and meet us there instead. She came with her friend Cheng (a very sweet Vietnamese girl studying in Paris)
  • We say goodbye to Sarah and Aznita and told Noelle everything that just happened.
  • Cheng offered us to stay at her place for the night. Fuhhh...thank u very much Cheng!
  • Went to Cheng`s at Alforville, Ile-de-France to keep our luggage. (Noelle bought day pass for public transport for us. cost 9 €)
  • Had kebab for lunch at St. Micchelle. (price range for kebab:4-12€ depending on size and type-ktorg beli 1 kebab and share je sbb portion diorg besar!)
  • Walked to Notre Dame and went in there (free admission on that day!-last sunday every month)
  • Cycle to the mosque. (we used velib, its free for 30 min)
  • Went to Eiffel tour, but since the que was very long,we decided to climb the stairs instead;) cost;3.5 €
  • Hang out, walked around and had cous-cous for dinner.
  • Total cost (without food; 12.5 €)

Moon, Noelle and Cheng at bus stop near Cheng`s apartment.

Inside Notre Dame
Inside the mosque...cantik kan?
View of Paris from Eiffel.