::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Glampacking : The Fashionable Girls' Guide to Backpacking to Europe !

When people say BACKPACKING! What is the very first thing that comes to your mind ?
 Adakah ini????? -->

Atau ini...??? --> 

Tapi, dah kata nk travel Europe, mestilah nk stylo sikit kan?!

At least, macam ni la..style sikit, xdelah mcm tak mandi 10 hari je kan...though we might not able to take a shower for 10 days! hah!

So..ini ialah NOTE TO SELF--> on how to pack my backpack for Euro trip!

(adapted from : http://www.bakpakguide.com/europe/traveltips/bakpakgirl/glampacking-the-fashionable-girls-guide-to-backpac.shtml)

If you consider yourself to be a fashionable person, packing clothes for a vacation or even a round-the-world backpacking trip can be stressful, but it doesn’t need to be.
When packing for a trip it’s important to remember that when it comes to packing clothes, the general rule of thumb is to pack quality over quantity.

If you are backpacking then your best bet would be to pick clothes that are comfortable and loose, particularly around the shoulder area. For guys this can be easy as many loose fitting t-shirts, jeans, and shorts are ideal for backpacking, but girls need to take extra care and consideration into the types of clothes they choose for a backpacking trip. (Some experienced travellers swear against packing jeans for a backpacking trip because they are heavy to carry around especially when wet, but this depends on your own personal style).
Of course what you pack truly depends on your destination, however your best bet is to pack clothes that you can layer on top of each other, and it’s always a good idea to pack a coat with a hood or even a hoodie to prepare for rainy weather.

It’s also important to put careful consideration into each and every article of clothing you pack. Will that shirt get wrinkled it’s bunched up in your backpack or suitcase for days at a time? Will it show a stain if you spill something on it? These are important questions you must ask yourself while packing for a trip.

And last, but certainly not least, another key in packing properly for a trip, whether it be for a few weeks or a few months, is that you pack more underwear and socks than necessary. This may mean having to cut down on the number of shirts or pants you pack, but believe me when I say that it is well worth it in the end. Doing laundry while travelling can be a pain and also expensive, so make sure you have enough socks and underwear to last you at least two weeks so you don’t have to do laundry every seven days.

That's all for now...nanti kita cari tips2 lagi ok?!
Here's yuna video : Terukir di bintang~ 
p/s: Nak bwt video mcm ni boleh?? Fashion pun style jugak~ +the Boyfie jugak...(",)

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