::BEHIND THE SCENE: fulfilling the ultimate dream::

two pharmacists, one ultimate dream....
"the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

We Love Our Parents To Bits!

This is a response entry from Panic Attack entry...hahahah..I did mention to Moon that at some point during the panic attack, I started to think that our parents are crazy coz they allow us to travel Europe on our own....seriously?? xde point pn in this europe trip planning process parents ktorg hesitate utk bg ktorg pegi..no such thing as "u really sure u want this?" "have u given a thought about what u have to go through?" XDE lansung ok...kalo ade, xde la ktorg dgn slumber nye buat sume ni kn....like my mom, siap ade list brg yg nk dibeli...as for my dad, kalo boleh die nk suh bawak the whole Khairul clan g skali, meaning bwk all my siblings g Europe trip..abah?!apekah?! gle serabut nk bwk bdk2 moody tu skali..memang xnak la kn

So my point is, our parents really trust us in this..looking back our life, they always support us in any decision we made..they trust our choice...provided we know the  boundary and it didnt against religion or the value they taught us...

And as for us, in order to keep their precious trust, we always tell them about us...so maksudnye our parents selalu tau our where-about,when-about...kalo nk keluar tu jgn lupe bgtau nk pergi mane,dgn siape and estimated time to be home...senang kan? Yes, maybe tak semua parents boleh let go anak2 diorg like our parents do..that`s why it is really important for us to keep their trust. Lagipun kalau nk rahsiakan ape2, kalau ape2 jadi time kt luar tu kn naya x psl..kalo mati ke, mati dlm dosa menipu mak bapak...nauzubillah..

To Our Parents, we love u to bits!!!! Thank you so much for being u....

ps: i`m not writing this to show off that we have flawless relationship with our parents, coz we dont! Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, inikan pula ngn parents kn ;)

With our parents during graduation....our dad have something in common, at their age, diorg rase diorg hensem..hahaha..ape2 la bapa2 sekalian ;p

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